Doug Borg

Everything DougOps.

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What makes a good build.gradle?

A build.gradle usually starts out innocently enough as a simple, easy to understand file. After all, that’s why you (or someone on your team) chose Gradle as your build system! However, if you don’t spend time refactoring it and give it the love and attention it needs and deserves, it can go awry fairly quickly and come back to haunt you at 1am when you should really be out drinking sleeping, not fiddling with your project’s broken Gradle build. You can end up with a file hundreds of lines long nobody on your team wants to touch or even look at. In this post, I will explain what I think makes a good build.gradle and outline a few strategies or things to consider in order to keep it that way.

My perspective on builds is shaped by many years spent working on build and deployment automation systems in a corporate environment where you will generally find many similar types of projects...

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Chris: Hi, thanks for shopping Comcast my name is Chris. Do you have any questions about our products or services that I can help answer?

You: I am moving to a new house. What is the best way to set that up and ensure I get the best deal?

Chris: I’d be more than happy to assist you in getting new services.

Chris: Do you mind if I ask a few questions to make sure we get the ideal package that best suits your needs?

You: Sure

Chris: Thank you! Just to check before we move on, are you a current
Comcast customer or have you had Comcast service in your name within the last 120 days?

You: Yes.

Chris: Thank you for being a Comcast customer!

Chris: May I have your complete address and zip code, as prices and plans
vary by address?

You: For the new house or current house?

Chris: For the new house please.


Chris: Thank you for providing your complete...

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I wrote a little bash script a while back to help with some inconveniences I ran into while working with Gradle projects. I also used it as an excuse to experiment and play with running an open source project. If you use Gradle, I hope you will find it useful.

Check it out here.

Let me know if you think anything about it could be better.

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Welcome to the new and improved! I plan to post about the stuff I work on as a Software Engineer at ReadyTalk and other related projects and technologies. I focus on software build, test, and deployment automation. Some call this sort of stuff “DevOps” and I don’t usually have the heart to disagree with them. However, I do fall more in the camp of DevOps as a collection of practices, ideas, and tools rather than a job title or team.

In any case, I work on the “CI” team at ReadyTalk and we do the DevOps-y things; expect to hear more about it.

I have tried to get started on blogging a few times in the past, so bear with me. I will do my best to keep posts amusing and informative. In the meantime, this:

business cat

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